Portal de Conferências da UFSC, XX Sitraer

Tamanho da fonte: 
Fabiano Rocha, Giovanna Miceli Ronzani Borille

Última alteração: 2023-10-04


Currently, airports, in their multimodal connection potential, can boost the ability of companies and industries to compete at a high level in various types of markets. Connectivity is widely demanded nowadays, whether in social environments (urban and rural) or in business environments. In view of this, the airport sector becomes an indispensable strategic element within long-term urban logistics planning in various parts of the world. The aim of this study is to analyze the airport sector from the perspective of urban logistics planning. It was decided to carry out a case study on the Ceara2050 Platform, the largest socio-economic development project in the state of Ceará that aims to plan and execute development actions throughout the state for the next 30 years. Bibliographical research was carried out to substantiate the theme and appropriate the specific case for analysis. The documental analysis method was then used, followed by the case study. There was a significant importance of the airport sector for the achievement of proposed goals (mainly linked to economic indicators) within this long-term urban planning platform. The platform indicated strategic priorities, including: (i) taking advantage of Ceará's geographical position for the construction of an air hub; (ii) development of the state's air and airport sector and (iii) opportunities for the state's tourism sector, driven by the airport sector. It was concluded that this information indicates a clear tendency for the state of Ceará and other similar regions around the world to prioritize the development of robust projects in the airport sector as a priority in the long-term urban logistics planning (for example: airport-city and airport-industry). Thus, the airport sector must be a priority in long-term urban logistics planning, given its connectivity potential to meet existing demands in these environments.


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