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Optimization of a Regional Air Mobility Network including eVTOL Aircraft
Giulliano Santos, Victor Celestino, Polliana Martins

Última alteração: 2023-10-06


The technological progress for the development of electric vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (eVTOL) provides a great potential for growth of the regional air mobility market (RAM) using the existing infrastructure of underused airports. This work aims to model a regional air mobility network considering the competition of eVTOL, turboprop, and helicopter aircraft in the context of Brazilian regional aviation. The project was structured from a pre-existing mixed-integer linear mathematical model to solve the fleet allocation problem (FAP) maximizing operating profits developed in Python programming language, having as the main approach the construction of an airline network for São Paulo state of Brazil. Two types of conventional turboprop aircraft, one helicopter and three types of eVTOL aircraft were selected for allocation in 126 potential routes. The results of this research provide further insight into the economic viability of operating eVTOL aircraft as a way to stimulate the RAM market.


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