Portal de Conferências da UFSC, XX Sitraer

Tamanho da fonte: 
Michelle Salgado Ferreira Arcúrio, Luiz Fernando de Abreu Pimenta, Bárbara Carvalho de Azevedo, Fabiana Serra de Arruda

Última alteração: 2023-09-22


Using the theory of descriptive analysis of scenarios, the research aims to identify procedures, resources and layouts that should improve the screening checkpoints process. It was carried out at three Brazilian airports and was based on testing different configurations, observing the Brazilian regulations in force at the time of the study. These configurations evaluated, among other aspects:

a) effects of: (i) making trays available for depositing items, still in the screening throughput; (ii) guidance to passengers on the removal of metallic items from the body to avoid the alarm of the walk-through-metal-detector (WTMD); (iii) the increase in the number of security checkpoints served by the security professional “flow controllers”;

b) effects and reactions of passengers in face of pat down without the use of the hand-held metal detectors (HHMD);

c) efficiency in allowing the passenger who “alarmed” the WTMD to return, on his own, to remove possible metallic objects that caused the “alarm”, instead of being directly searched by the HHMD;

d) composition of security checkpoints modules with varying numbers of WTMD, x-rays and professionals;

e) reduction in the number of security professionals working in the employee security checkpoints; and

f) expansion of the number of security checkpoints supervised by each professional who exercises the role of supervisor.

The results were portrayed by: drawing each security checkpoint configuration scenario; the definition of operational processing capacity at the security checkpoints, which includes the evaluation of: the number of passengers who passed through the WTMD, the number of WTMD alarms activated, the number of passengers processed and the number of manual search carried out; and analysis of each established configuration efficiency.


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