Última alteração: 2023-10-03
Air transport is one of the world's fastest growing markets and one of the most relevant sectors for the development of the country's economy. However, all this growth also leads to an increase in the occurrence of accidents. Birdstrike are a specific type of accident that has been a problem for aviation since its inception. Understanding the hazards or contributing factors resulting from this event is vital for the adoption of mitigating measures. Thus, the aim of this study is to propose a aviation accident model that can analyze and quantifying the impact of the main factors involved in bird strikes in commercial aircraft. For the construction and analysis of the model, the Theory of Bayesian Reliability Networks will be used, which allows the graphical representation and capture of the relationship between the model variables. The factors selected for the construction of the model are validated by the literature and in the model configuration they are divided into four environments (environment, bird, aircraft and event). Subsequently, the scenarios with and without evidence will be evaluated, evaluating the impact of each network factor and the main ones in influence in the probability of collision occurrence.
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