Portal de Conferências da UFSC, XX Sitraer

Tamanho da fonte: 
Mauricio Antoniazzi, Daniel Corrêa de Carvalho Lery, Ivan Resende Leitão, Giovanna Miceli Ronzani Borille

Última alteração: 2023-09-18


It is estimated that there are dozens of residential airparks (also known as fly-in communities) in Brazil nowadays. Most started operations less than ten years ago, driven by a growing demand: increase in general aviation users, high parking costs and shortage of suitable areas at public airfields, preference of aircraft owners for greater flexibility, and realization of recreational flights. This type of airdrome has several peculiarities and challenges, and it is not entirely developed for the needs of the Brazilian aeronautical community. To understand the current operational and managerial scenario of residential airparks in Brazil, a perception survey with users of these condominiums was performed, and their positive and negative characteristics were analyzed. The results show that convenience, less bureaucracy, lower costs, and living with people with shared objectives are the main positive aspects. At the same time, lack of proper infrastructure, poor management, and safety issues are the primary negative aspects mentioned by respondents. A comparison between the responses and the airdrome regulations in Brazil was also performed. It suggested a connection between the positive and negative elements perceived by the respondents and what is mandated by the law in force applicable to this category of airdrome. This observation suggests that the relevant regulation has an essential role in the development of the market and should be subject to broad debate among stakeholders in society.


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