Última alteração: 2023-09-19
The aircraft movement arising from landing, take-off and taxi operations is a determining factor for airport capacity. By discussing ways to improve the efficiency of ground traffic management and understanding the causes that impact taxi time, it is necessary to obtain more accurate taxi time predictions. However, showing how much the movement of aircraft arriving and departing from an airport can interfere with taxi time and generate practical consequences remains little explored. This paper presents real data from Brazilian airports that have major movement and analyzes on how much airport movement impacts taxi time, both for taxi-in and taxi-out. A regression has been applied to statistically test the significant differences between the perspectives presented in 10 (ten) Brazilian airports in the months of July, August and December 2022, which recorded the highest aircraft movement in the year. The results demonstrate the changes in time taxi at the analyzed airports, such as, for example, in the taxi-in, for every aircraft that takes off from Porto Alegre Airport, the taxi time of an aircraft moving on the ground is increased by 1.10 minutes and for every aircraft arriving at Salvador Airport, can increase the taxi time of a taxiing aircraft by 0.25 minutes. In the case of taxi-out, every arriving aircraft increases the taxi time by 0.57 minutes at São Paulo - Congonhas Airport and at São Paulo - Guarulhos Airport, every departing aircraft increases the taxi time for another taxing aircraft by 0.32 minutes. Therefore, addressing the impact of air movement at an airport can generate practical information and help to develop alternatives aimed at mitigating taxi time.
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