Última alteração: 2023-09-13
This paper aims to evaluate the airport performance in generating financial gains provided by non-aviation revenues. Financial results have been highlighted in the structuring of an airport as a business, considering that the airport administrator is looking for alternatives to maximize its revenues and to improve the commercial function of the airport. Also, this theme is aligned to the fact that non-aviation revenues have a prominent place in the financial health of modern airports. The identified technical-scientific challenge is to estimate the airport efficiency using a 2-Step Network Data Envelopment Analysis model. As a result, the airport manager has a better understanding of the airport performance which allows faster and more consistent decisions. An example of these decisions is the readjustment of the layout of a terminal to promote consumption since the literature indicates a strong relationship between passenger experience at the terminal and the willingness-to-spend. To test the proposed method in this paper the model was be applied considering the Guarulhos International Airport. The model results indicated that maximum efficiency was achieved during periods when the airport had a higher proportion of international passenger movements. As an example, we can mention the quarters when Brazil hosted the FIFA World Cup in 2014.
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