Última alteração: 2023-09-14
The engineering activities for the modernization of the Passenger Terminal at Montes Claros Airport – MG included projects and construction execution based on BIM and Inspection, carried out by the public administration, adopting a Custom Inspection Methodology Based on BIM. The Methodology was conceived with a view to providing increased performance in the management of communication and in the development of engineering solutions, involving, in an integrated manner, Contractor - private initiative and Contractor - Public Company. As assumptions, it was considered that the development of models was validated by the Inspection on scheduled dates, according to the Project's milestone schedule, and that communication occurred assertively through the use of technological infrastructure and designed BIM processes. It could be seen that its adoption provided several benefits for the design and works stage, among them: adherence to the project and work schedule; increased performance in design and construction solutions through collaborative actions; minor design revisions; minor unpredictability during the work; better solutions for the covering of works; among others. The Case Study is proposed as a framework for the inspection of public works, mainly applicable to transport infrastructure projects and works in public administration.
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