Portal de Conferências da UFSC, ENSUS 2023 - XI Encontro de Sustentabilidade em Projeto

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Revisão Sistemática de Literatura (RSL): ferramentas para avaliação da sustentabilidade no contexto urbano
Kamylla Emily Braga, Lisiane Ilha Librelotto, Eduarda Cardoso, Verônica Bandini

Última alteração: 2023-05-11


This article presents a research that has as its theme the evaluation of sustainability in the urban context, in neighborhoods and cities. More specifically, based on the principle that it is necessary to evaluate to make a decision about which technologies should be incorporated into the built environment, a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) was carried out on the CAPES portal and on google scholar. As a result, a list of tools for assessing sustainability in the urban context, in neighborhoods and cities, was obtained.


Buildings; Urban; Tools; Sustainability; Evaluation.


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