Última alteração: 2023-04-02
The community of biodesign (interspecies design collaborations) seems to be heading toward solid self-organization and formalization. Some authors speculate that the approximation to biology could mark the design practice of the 21st century. It seems relevant to understand how teaching and learning are happening in biodesign to develop how it could be further introduced in design curricula. It doesn’t seem that an analysis of formal education was made yet. To address this research gap, this paper aims to understand the formal education scene in biodesign through an analysis of some of the main biodesign courses and programs. The methodological strategy is a systematic and a narrative review through a popular search engine. 16 results were analyzed: 1 Masterclass for Professionals, 8 courses, 1 undergraduate course (Major), 4 masters, and 2 Ph.D. programs.
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TUDELFT. IDE Design Master Class for Professionals: Biodesign. 2023. Available at: < https://www.tudelft.nl/io/studeren/ide-design-master-classes/biodesign>. Accessed on March 14, 2023.
UNIVERSITY OF ARTS LONDON (UAL). Master of Arts in Biodesign. Available at: https://www.arts.ac.uk/subjects/textiles-and-materials/postgraduate/ma-biodesign-csm#course-summary. Accessed on 12, July 2022.
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS. Biodesign theory and practice: biodesign challenge part I. Available at: < https://arts.ucdavis.edu/course-description/des-128a-biodesign-theory-and-practice-biodesign-challenge-part-i-4>. Accessed on March 14, 2023.
UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI. The Biodesign Challenge. Available at:< https://www.uc.edu/campus-life/honors/students/experiences/seminars/seminar-spotlights/ened3050daap3050.html>. Accessed on March 14, 2023.
UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL). Bio-Integrated Design (Bio-ID) MArch/MSc. 2022. Available at: < https://www.ucl.ac.uk/bartlett/architecture/programmes/postgraduate/bio-integrated-design-bio-id-marchmsc>. Accessed on June 12, 2022.
UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA (UPENN). Biological Design. Available at:< https://www.design.upenn.edu/courses/dsgn-2510>. Accessed on March 14, 2023.